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Writer's pictureLisa @ Windmill Therapies

Can you Lose Weight with Colonic Irrigation Hydrotherapy? Windmill Blog: Colonic Irrigation and Weight loss talk Northamptonshire Warwickshire with Lisa Holistics

The short answer is ....... varies and this treatment is not intended to be a weight loss tool solely, rather it should be used in conjunction with an overall healthy detox plan.

The longer answer is...

Some clients report small loses of 1-2 lbs after a colonic, whereas others report between 6-8 lbs. Some lose none at all! This is because the colon will have absorbed water in exchange for the waste just expelled, but this is usually because the client was dehydrated in the first place but the good news is the retained water, can help with subsequent bowel movements because of the re hydration of the faecal matter. This treatment works in harmony with your body and it will only release, what it is ready to release! Every treatment is different and depends upon what is going on in your body at that time.

Colon irrigation hydrotherapy can also help you obtain a flatter stomach, as it essentially cleanses the undigested food and releases gas pockets from your system, which is beneficial and a relief to those suffering from bloating. However, I always make it clear to clients that the weight you lose from this treatment, will be from waste and potentially inches from gas and bloating as it's released, but it does not reduce body fat or cellulite. So if you are considering this treatment, remember it is not all about the weight loss or how much 'poo weight' you can lose - any weight lost can easily be regained! It is more about de-gassing, de-bloating and detoxing the body. It is often just one part of the digestive puzzle and often a colonic experience redirects a client to reexamine their food choices and tackle what caused the constipation, bloating or gas in the first place.

A colon weighs around 4 lbs when empty but it can expand and hold up to eight meals' worth of food.

In conclusion, colonic irrigation hydrotherapy is not ultimately a weight loss tool but is an excellent addition or partner to a weight loss and detox programme.

Colonic Irrigation and Weight loss Northamptonshire Warwickshire

Colonic Irrigation and Weight loss Northamptonshire Warwickshire
Colonic Irrigation and Weight loss Northamptonshire Warwickshire

can help with initial weight loss but are more helpful as part of an overall detox program, to reset and make you feel great but if you are looking for a more permanent approach to weight loss - more exercise and the reduction in the number of calories consumed, will ensure excess weight stays off!

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